of all we would like to introduce What is Youthpass. Youthpass is a European recognition tool for
non-formal and informal learning in youth work. (Youthpass) Youthpass is for projects
funded by Erasmus+ Youth in Action and Youth in Action programmes. With
Youthpass the participants of these projects can describe what they have done
and show what they have learnt.
your learning outcomes during “Creactive Lycian Youth - Youth Mobility Project”
using the Key-competence model were appropriate.
You are not obliged to make use of all the key
competences. Use only the ones you want to focus on! Anyway, it is almost
impossible that in a short exchange all key competences are addressed!
When writing your learning outcomes, please don’t use
any kind of symbol such as 1) or – or a) or J because they simply make copying and pasting
later, more difficult. Plain text please.
The length of the text for your learning outcomes for
each key competence is not limited but in fact 200 words is already a lot. Max
8-10 sentences can be enough for the certificate. Keep in mind where you will
be using the certificate!
Think about the context
Where and for what will I use the Youthpass?
What did I learn? (learning outcomes)
Where (and when) did I learn it?
I what area of my life will I use what I learned?
Try to be brief, concise and accurate.
First name : František
Surname : Cimerman
- Communication in mother
the project, communication by direct meetings and direct talks was preferred in
our team, which I also found it to be the best, quickest and the most effective
way how to solve various tasks, plans and problems. Before and after project we
preferred to communicate in a group conversation on Facebook. I especially
liked the request of organizers not to use cell phones, tablets and internet
connection during the project, so all the participants were made to get off the
internet bubble. I had no problem to express myself by oral and written form in
mother tongue, because I think that we cooperated very well and supported each
other all the time. Of course, every new experience with the work in a team
strengthens my self confident, especially I feel more open to talk about my
opinions earlier than before. To increase my competence in this area I plan to
apply for participation in some other Erasmus projects.
- Communication in foreign
of all, participation on the project increased my motivation to learn foreign
languages more than before. I really liked to see younger participants than me
to speak very good English with very good vocabulary in every possible
communication topic. I have personally learned many new words and phrases used
in the education of youth. Several times it was too hard for me to express
myself in foreign language, especially in the situations when I was required to
speak and advocate my opinion before public for certain time, than I was not
able to use and find right words in my mind. It takes more training. Written
form I found to be very helpful tool how to prepare myself for oral form of
communication. Thanks to the many interesting activities and trekking I got a
space to learn enough about other nations and cultures, but what is the most
important I made many new friends with similar interests. I think that when I
will have an opportunity to take part in some future projects it will really
increase my competence in this area. Once I also wish to work as organizer of
similar project.
- Learning to learn:
personal motivation was to meet new country and new people with similar
interests, improve my English, learn how it works in such kind of project and
how could I have a stake in the organization of it. I think that personally I
have developed myself most in the preparations of teambuilding activities and
in the leading of international group of young people. I have learned quite a
lot by way of observing of organizers and youth directors. Then I knew how to
use my own ideas to build a good international team. The learning was challenge
for me just in the cases when special vocabulary was required. Motivation for
further self development and satisfaction of other directors was the most
supportive for me. My development in the project was totally different than in the
university, it gave me a chance to be active, creative and to implement my own
ideas. Practical experience is the
best way how to learn someone something new according me and this project did
- Social and civic competence:
found it perfect to be a part of such a good group as we were. Now I have more
friends who would like to be more active in common life. After the project,
except new friendships, I have started to cooperate with several participants
for example in the field of web development or body training. Each participant
was unique in some way, so now we can share our personal experience and skills.
Honestly, I can not call myself an active citizen, but I am trying to do so. During
the project, it was very easy to be active, because all the time I was
surrounded by people who understood this role. In the common life I find it
harder, especially in the locality where I live. Concerning to contribution to any initiatives
around me I can be more active in the area of nature protection, local tourist
development and partly in social sphere like an environmental education for
youth. I think I just need more active people around me to support each other.
- Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship:
participants got space for discussing of their ideas during the project.
Everyone got opportunity to be active and to take a part in organizing as well.
So, to express my creativity and innovation was quite easy for me, especially
after few days of observing. I learned about being initiating and active during
the teambuilding activities preparation and realization, discussions in the
Board of directors and during the leading of trekking group. To take an
initiative I find as a challenge how to improve my leading competences, to
follow others I find to be good tool how to reach it. I also think that for my
future self development I can use almost all kinds of experience I got during
the project, mainly talking to the public in foreign language. I would like to
learn how to prepare and realize such a good project as this one was. As a
group we learned to be more tolerant and listen to each other.
- Cultural awareness and
was perfect to meet several new cultures in one place. I really liked it and I
have realized in how many ways we can be different, but also how strong the
globalization pressure is. Before coming to project I only had low cultural
awareness about hosting country, but turkish culture pleasantly surprised me
and I think that it is very important for every nation to keep its uniqueness.
My self confidence has increased in the area of international cooperation.
During the project we had many cultural and artistic opportunities how to
express our national identity and how to understand the others. A new thing I have learned is that there is
really big difference between what we see and hear in the media and how the
reality is. So now I only listen to views of people who have a real personal
experience with other cultures.
- Mathematical competence and
basic competence in science and technology:
only worked with my travel budged and there was no problem with calculating. In
the end of the project we were asked to prepare short statistic conclusion
concerning to many fields of project. It was also simple task for me. For solving problems there was open space to
discuss everything and suggest solutions by democratic way. I got scientific
knowledge in the field of history, nature and landscape using thanks to the
excursions and trekking days.
- Digital competence:
used internet connection and computer for preparation of all documents and also
for preparation of many activities. Before and after project we mainly used
internet connection for collecting of all data and information. Communication
network was created long time before starting of project and we actively use it
to this time. For documentation I often used my camera. As the project was not
focused on digital media I did not get any special skills. To write the truth,
I really liked two weeks without access to it.
More examples of Youthpass - Key Competences from
a few participants of Creactive Lycian Youth Project:
Communication in foreign languages:
Mostly I was talking in English, and also sometimes in
German, so I could improve my language skills. I am working with foreigners, so
I am used to talk in English quite often, so I didn´t find any problems to
express myself, but encouraged me to push my skills on higher level a make
certificates, which is great tool by looking for a working opportunities or
another exchange projects. - Zuzana Zverkova –
I learnt how to communicate in English about topics
related to European Union, active participation, volunteering, debating, due to
all the activities focused to this area. I learnt new vocabulary related to
Turkish traditions and way of living (f.e. mosque) and I became more fluent
when talking in English. I found out the biggest advantage of oral way of
communication, comparing to written way of communication – the possibility of
asking immediately, when there is some misunderstanding. I learnt many things
about the different cultures, habits, food, religion, the way of living, and
differences which we can observe between the cultures. I became more
self-confident while talking in English, because we practiced English during
the whole project- Jana Poláková - Slovakia
Learning to learn:
My personal motivation was improve my language skills,
communication and social skills in general and increase knowledges about
managing a project and how it works. The best tool how to achieve it, was
everyday contact with people, during debating activities, team-building activities,
trekking days. Challenging for me was speaking in front of the people and also
managing the daily activities and schedule. This experience was very useful,
and I would like to learn more about this area and improve it. Zuzana Zverkova – Slovakia
After the project I feel more motivated not only for
my studies, but also for learning new things in my life, and I am more open to
new thoughts, activities and ideas. I realized that group discussing gave me a
lot of benefits. It gave me opportunity to argument with somebody, to formulate
my arguments and to respond to foreign arguments and to deal with it, to listen
to foreign arguments which are important for me, as a future lawyer. Ivana Sedláčková – Czech Republic
The project is built on using the non-formal education
methodology as this is the best way to learn in a large intercultural
team. After the project we have ability
to organize our own learning, including effective management of time and
information, both for ourselves and in groups – Raimonda Ausiuraite – Lithuania
My personal motivation for participating in this
project was to improve my debating skills, to try trekking in international
group, to find out more information about Turkish culture and practice my
English. The “learning part” of this project, was learning based on experience,
practice and learning things one from each other. Learning methods used at
school are based on theory and memorizing. I can see there is a big difference
between learning at school and learning at the project. I discovered how do I
act in different situations with different people, what situations I have no
problem with, what can I improve on my attitude. Jana Poláková – Slovakia
I realized that non-formal education in general is
very important. After this project I felt really motivated to study and learn a
lot of new things in my life. I had an opportunity to learn how to discuss, how
to express my opinion and how to give arguments which I find very useful - Eva Valentova – Czech Rep.
Social and civic competence:
During these 2 weeks we created a community, and I
felt there very good, and in my opinion community-life is the best way of
living, because of socializing, cooperating, active participation. I also felt
good with my trekking group, where we had to learnt really fast, to be aware
not just about our self-needs, but especially about others self-needs, and how
to deal with occasional problems. I found it very useful, and now I notice more
about people around me. - Zuzana Zverkova –
The best thing of this project was that I found many
new friends and also I felt like a part of our small multicultural and
international society. I liked the part
when we were changing the survey and when we needed to find locals for filling
it. It was a great experience for debating, discussing and communication. – Greta Vilimaitė – Lithuania
Meeting all the new people in Turkey (people from the
project, local people), meant to me appreciation of my community, inspiration
for what can I improve in my community, how to be more active citizen. Getting
to know different people always influence you, because you realize the
differences between cultures, possibilities you have, that nothing is
impossible. Realizing all the activities together, we felt closer to each
other. We became friends, who could collaborate and create things together,
tolerating different religions, different backgrounds and different opinions
what we have. I found out that I can call myself an active citizen,
because I volunteer in different organizations. This is one of the ways how to
be an active citizen. All of us can contribute to social or environmental
initiatives around us, just searching for organizations which are treating with
something you are interested in, and taking part in them. - Jana Poláková – Slovakia
Another important thing I learnt was working in groups
and especially in multicultural groups.
It is really important to be able to communicate within a group where are
people of various mentalities and opinions – Eva Valentova
– Czech Rep.
I love being part of a group. I got the feeling of
belonging which for me means connection to people all over the world. It helps
to get more motivation and happiness, to face problems and difficulties. I like
sharing my differences and accept others, as they are. I learnt that we are all
different and that world is great because of this. I had strong connection with
some people as we were spending more time together, and I went well with all of
them, some for a reason (sharing the room), some for another (same trekking
group) and some for other (discussion group). All this made me feel an active
citizen as I felt involved and that my opinions mattered. – Anna Difonzo - Italy
Sense of initiative and entrepreneurship:
The main idea was increased sense of active
participation in me and higher interest about my environment and community. I
was a member of a BoD Group (Board of Directors), and I was helping with
designing and creating team-building activities, games and energizers. These
activities increased in me awareness about project management and responsible.
I felt comfortable in this role, and I am planning to cultivate these
new-reached skills. - Zuzana Zverkova –
To be active is important in all spheres of our life,
especially at job life. For me it was very easy and natural to implement my
idea into the concept of practice and I enjoy this experience. During the
project I faced to project management, action planning, team work and
cooperation, taking risk, creativity and flexibility, because I was part of
group which focused on this. For me it was pleasure to take an initiative
because it was something new for me and I wanted to improve my skills. - Ivana Sedláčková – Czech Republic
During all the project we used our creativity and we
were active and initiating, while doing all the activities (f.e. during the
debating part making arguments, or when we had to think about the tasks during
trekking part). Taking initiative was never a problem for me, and I have no
problem with follow others, if I agree with the idea they are presenting. I
think that is one of the most important skills which we practiced in this
project, which can help us in the future. Cooperation with the people with
different opinions and backgrounds can help us in the professional future. I
learnt that when people are working in teams, is essential to collaborate,
listen to each other and always be straight and sincere, to avoid all the
possible problems in the team. Also is important to share the competences
between all the members of the team. While working in team, and doing common
decisions, is important to be flexible, and try to consider the opinion of the
rest of the people. Jana Poláková – Slovakia
I realized that creativity and innovation is really
essential Being active is important in all spheres of our life as well. During
this project I felt really active and involved in all activities and since I
think this approach is important in our lives in general.- Eva Valentova – Czech Rep.
I liked the idea of organizing and being creative. Of
course being cooperative, flexible and a team worker helped me a lot. It was a
good opportunity to manage activities such the physical exercises or during the
cultural night. It is about being also natural and spontaneous. During this,
talking in an easy and clear way helped me a lot as I was aware of people from
different background and different level of foreign language. – Anna Difonzo - Italy
Cultural awareness and expression:
On the project were 6 different nationalities. These
people influenced me in positive way; I realized that the only way how to
create sustainable, cooperating community/society is to be tolerant and
respectful. During the trekking activity we were divided in 4 different groups
and had to find a way how to cooperate and help each other. Also for me, being
in multi-cultural environment is very inspiriting and it supports creativity,
and I learnt how to get a different point of view. Zuzana Zverkova –
I meet with other cultures during the project which
had an influence on me. I realized that what works to solve problems in one
country may not work in another because of different culture background. Also I learned how to work and communicate
with other cultures and how is it important to be aware of possible
misunderstanding when communicating with foreigners of different mentalities. - Ivana Sedláčková – Czech Republic
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