Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Info Pack for Candidate Partners

Info Pack for Candidate Partners 

Creactive Lycian Youth
Mobility Project 

Creactive Lycian Youth Project is a Youth Mobility Project to be organized between the dates of 21st April- 4th May 2015 (13 nights, 14 days) by the Lycian Pathfinders Youth Group. (We expect the announcement of the project application latest in January 2016.) 

There will be two Project Bases which are Demre and Kas. We will also have 3 days of trekking and camping from Demre to Kas including project activities designed for these 3 days. 

The project is including 6 partners + Lycian Pathfinders (TR).  All teams will have 1 leader and 4 participants between the ages of 18-29 considering the gender balance. 

Active participation of participants is a must for the project. Participants will be asked to co-operate with other participants to comment on and help/suggest for designing the activities.

We do want to co-operate with the partner for the application procedure and designing the activities accordingly with the project objectives. Functional co-operation with partners is a major importance for Lycian Pathfinders. 


Creactive Lycian Youth (CLY) Project is related with "encouraging the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe" as stated in the Lisbon Treaty.

CLY Project primarily targeting to make a contribution to increase Youth's active and sufficient participation at social and democratic life at national and European levels.

The Project Objectives are: 

1- Supporting young people to recognize the natural/usual links between social life and democratic life especially by means of sport and cultural activities. 

2- Increasing the young people's sense of belonging to EU values/EU citizenship and  supporting them to increase their will to be participatory for the future of their societies. 

3- Improving young people's self-confidence and competences in order to foster them to have a voice and to speak with their own words for the terms of Democracy, Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Active Participation.

* We would like to add "intercultural learning" and "cultural diversity" dimension to the themes of Active Citizenship and EU Citizenship. 


As we will be trekking and camping for the 3 days of the project  each partner is kindly asked to bring two tents and each participant to bring his/her trekking shoes, sleeping bag, mat and backpack and a head lamp/torch.  

Even Lycian Pathfinders include a sport trainer, partners should include at least 1
participant who knows to do first aid and/or co-operate for the sport sessions with the local people.

Each partner is kindly asked for contributions to activities such as designing or leading an activity with non-formal education methodologies. 

Board of Directors - Vote of Confidence Evaluation Session

Each Partner is kindly asked to provide at least 1 participant for the Board of Directors for the Project. Board of Directors is going to be primarily responsible for designing activities before the project and leading them during the project. But designing and leading the activities is not only limited to this Board of Directors. Each participant will be provided this opportunity. 

Furthermore, all participants are going to be voting for the Vote of Confidence for the Board of Directors to evaluate the level of their success. But this evaluation is not only limited with Board of Directors also including the sessions if participant made enough critics or positively fostered them, briefly if the participants were Active Citizens of Lycian Youth.

Participants will be provided ballot box and other extended concept of participation options. 

Also each partner is kindly asked to lead 2 sessions/workshops concerning the project activities.


Each partner should provide 1 leader (no age limit) + 4 participants aged between 18-29. Gender balance should be provided in the national teams. At least 2 of the participants should be choosen among the young people with fewer opportunities.  All participants should be informed in advance and partner should be in good co-operation with them before coming to Turkey.

Participants should be interested in or eager to learn and share about the topics of EU, EU Values, Citizenship, Active Participation, Democracy, Human Rights in an intercultural environment by the help of non-formal and informal education methodologies.

Participants should be able to do trekking of 15-20 km in a day with a group of 6-7 participants and be okey with camping for 4 days in a camping site and 3 days in natural/outdoor environment. These points do not mean that all participants should be experienced in this field. We do appreciate the participants we are eager to experience  this way of nature and connecting these points with Citizenship & Participation topics and activities. The ones, who might accept trekking and camping as a challenge for their self-improvement, are also highly appreciated to join.

Participants should not have any serious illness, allergy or operation that might prevent them trekking 15-20 km for a day as a project activity.

Please pay attention not to include friend groups or vacation minded participant as this project is a learning possibility with non-formal education methodologies and by contributions by participants' active participation.

Lycian Pathfinders might get involved in choosing the participants and might ask for partners to include 1 participant that we previously know who might contribute to the project. 

All accommodation and meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner) expenses are going to be paid from the project grant.  For the trekking days, enough food packages and water will be supplied from the project budget. For all other days, meals are to be provided from a restaurant or hotel. 

4 days in Demre in a camping site with WC and shower facilities. 
3 days on the Lycian Way paths (Kekova, Simena, Uluburun, Limanagzı, etc.)
between Demre and Kas. (Totally around 60km)
7 days in Kas (centre) in a motel/pansion

Each partner to bring at least 2 tents, 5 sleeping bags, 5 mats and at least 4 backpacks for its participants. We might decrease these amounts if we can manage more equipments from Turkey.

We strongly recommend participants to bring sun-cream and fly-repellent ! 


Travel reimbursement for each participant is going to be made according to the rules in Erasmus+ Programme Guide. The distance should be calculated to Demre and/or Kaş from the centre of association or form the home-town of certain participants. 

Distance Calculator: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm

  •   500-1999km - 170€ per participant              
  • 2000-2999km - 270€ per participant
  • 3000-3999km - 400€ per participant              
  • 4000-7999 km - 620€ per participant

    Please do not book your flights before getting a confirmation from Lycian Pathfinders !

ECAS registration, PIC number, database document (legal entity, financial info) procedure should be fulfilled. And then Partnership Form should be filled, signed, stamped and sent to us.

If you are interested to be partner in the project, please firstly contact us for further details. We would be happy if we can have a Skype meeting to get to know each other and talk further details about the project partnership. 

Further information will be shared with confirmed partners. 



Main Activities

This page is explaining some of the titles and  activities of the Creactive Lycian Youth Project.

Amaç                                        Objective/Aim
Hedef Kitle                               Target Audience
Süre                                          Duration
Açıklama                                   Explanation 
Uygulama                                 Implementation


Board of Directors is to be established by different members from different partners. We plan to include at least 5-6 participants from different partners. The members will be announced on this blog, later. The general profile of the members is going to be different such as including (i) trainers or (ii) eager but less experienced participants about non-formal education methodologies.

Board of Directors is primarily responsible for designing activities and will be voted by all participants -at the end of the project- in order to measure their success level. Board of Directors is also responsible for creating opportunities for participants to make them feature fpr designing the activities and actively participating in. 

Designing or updating project activities is not only allocated to Board of Directors!  

%40-50 of the activities have been designed by Lycian Pathfinders (in co-operation with partners) but open for suggestions and changes. Moreover, each participant have possibility to suggest or critic different variety of activities from energizers to main activities.  There are possibilities for the activities that might be suggested by participants. 

We will try to foster participants to have critics over Board of Directors and actively participate for the organization of the project. Not only during the project but also before the project activities start. 

Evaluation activities during the project will include parts for Board of Directors. At the last days of the project, Vote of Confidence will take part to see if the participants are satisfied with their organizations. But this Vote of Confidence is not limited for Board of Directors. After announcing the results, we are going to have a session about evaluating the results and contributions of participants. 

Briefly, this voting is not only limited to measure the success level or active participation of Board of Directors but also all participants' !!

SURVEY about EU Citizenship-Active ParticipationBoard of Directs is going to prepare a Survey before the project activities to be asked to participants.

During the project, participant will improve the Survey and they will ask the questions of the Survey to themselves and local people.

This Survey is also planned to be uploaded on internet and we plan to have at least 50 young people (18-30 years old) to fill it. And then the results will be discussed and evaluated together during the project. 


Participants will be divided into 5 groups including 6-8 participants from different partners. Each trekking groups will have certain tasks for themselves. Trekking will be made divided into groups and having a distance of 1-2 km between each other. At evenings trekking teams will join together to stay together at a motel or to pitch their camp.

Definition of Tasks

1- Each trekking team (5 teams) to design (and write down) 2 activities with non-formal education methodologies for the project relevant with the project objectives. Then they will present it to the participants. All participants will vote for those 10 activities to choose 2 of them to be implemented in Kaş.
2- Each trekking team will suggest 3 topics for debating sessions those will be voted by participants as well.
3- Each team will suggest 2-3 questions to improve the Survey.
4- Each trekking team will be given a social/creative task to perform during the trekking days.(like taking photos with a theme)

This activity is related with Trekking Tasks(designing activities, choosing debating topics) and Board of Directors.

Election as an activity, during project lets participants set the tone of the project by 

  • Choosing the activities that will be organized/implemented in the project
  • Criticizing or suggestion new dimensions for the activities that are designed by Board of Directors or other participants. 
  • Evaluating the Board of Directors by Vote of Confidence 


An activity Lycian Pathfinders experienced at and learned from a training course by German National Agency called ATOQ (Advance Training on Quality) Youth Exchanges.

There will be 5 bullet boxes at 5 different tables/groups. Participants will be divided into 5 groups and there will be 5 different topics/questions at each Bullet Box. Each participant will read the topic/question and vote for it. Before the voting participants are prohibited to talk to each other and evaluate the question.

After voting, participants will discuss the topic/question together but do not tell each other what/how they voted.

After all groups visit the each table, we collect the votes and share the result with all participants. And then all together we have an evaluation and/or critics about the evaluation.

The topics/questions are related with the project objectives such as Citizenship, Active Participation, EU Values, Human Rights etc. Data will be planned to use for following activities in the project.

** Bu anket ve soruları internet üzerinden diğer katılımcıların doldurması için de açabiliriz. 


This activity is planned to be implemented on the first days of project activities. Participants will be informed about Youthpass ( European recognition tool for non-formal and informal learning in youth work.  ) and Key Competences of Youthpass. 

We plan to have a session with bouncing putties and provide participants to have possibility to look down on the Key Competences they might gain during the project. 

Participants have group sessions with Key Competences and will be distributed a notebook to take notes during the project relating to the Youthpass and all other project activities.


This activity is planned to be implemented on the last days of the project activities. 

Participants will have time to combine their notes that they took during the project. 

We plan to have at least 25 participants who fill the second part of Youthpass and receive their certificates including the two parts. 

Project Describtion

Lycian Pathfinders is organizing the Creactive Lycian Youth Project with 6 international partners.

Creactive Lycian Youth (CLY) Project is related with "encouraging the participation of young people in democratic life in Europe" as stated in the Lisbon Treaty.

CLY Project primarily targeting to make a contribution to increase Youth's active and sufficient participation at social and democratic life at national and European levels.

CYL Project Objectives are: 
1- Supporting young people to discover the natural links between social life and democratic life especially by means of sport and culture activities.
2- Increasing the young people's sense of belonging to EU values/EU citizenship and  supporting them to increase their will to be participatory for the future of their societies.
3- Improving young people's self-confidence and competences in order to foster them to have a voice and to speak with their own words for the terms of Democracy, Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Active Participation.

Problems Related with Objectives & Activities Related with Problems. 

Objectives  -- Problems  -- Activities

We use / design Activities to make a contribution to the Problems and help the participants to solve these problems then project Objectives will be fulfilled if we are successful.

1- Supporting young people to discover the natural links between social life and democratic life especially by means of sport and culture activities.
1.a.Young people are not aware of enough that Active Participation is a natural part of our daily lives.
Related Activities: Trekking, 5 Art 1 Subject, 

1.b. Terms related to democratic life are being evaluated or taught very didactical and young people can not relate these terms with their daily lives.
Related Activities: Debating 

1.c. Young people are not aware of art's creative power about increasing the active participation for the social and democratic life.
Related Activities: 5 Art 1 Subject

2- Increasing the young people's sense of belonging to EU values/EU citizenship and  supporting them to increase their will to be participatory for the future of their societies.
2.a. Youth's sense of belonging to EU citizenship and social connection is lacking
Related Activities: Ballot Box (ATOQ), Team Buildings, Blog

2.b. Youth is not aware of the reality that modern life is passivating them.
Related Activities: Trekking & Camping,

2.c. Youth's competences about collective decision-making and collective decision-implementing.
Related Activities: 5 Art 1 Subject, De Bono Evaluation, Survey about EU .... , Youthpass, Trekking & Camping 

2.d. Youth does not belive that they make positive changes in they participate in the democratic life.
Related Activities: Ballot Box, 

3- Improving young people's self-confidence and competences in order to foster them to have a voice and to speak with their own words for the terms of Democracy, Citizenship, EU Citizenship and Active Participation.
3.a. Young people are evaluating political terms and meanings mostly by a single-sided point of view
Related Activities:  De Bono Evaluation, Ballot Box (ATOQ), 

3.b. Young people are usually avoiding taking and then fulfilling responsibilities.
Related Activities: The Leader, Blog, 

3.c. Young people are abstaining from making discussions or debates of these subjects in inter-cultural environment and in front of the public.
Related Activities: Debating, 

3.d. Young people are lacking inter-cultural opportunities that can help them improve their public speech competences and wills.
Related Activities: Debating, 


  1. Board of Directors - Vote of Confidence 
  2. Trekking & Camping (Special Tasks will be distributed for each Trekking Path) 
  3. Blog 
  4. Survey with Locals 
  5. EU Citizenship & Active Participation Group Works 
  6. Ballot Box (ATOQ) 
  7. Nuclear Power Plant (Team Building) 
  8. Meeting Local Young People & Sport with Local People
  9. De Bono - Evaluation 
  10. Youthpass Introduction 
  11. Youthpass Final Session